Your internet connection does not seem to support current internet standards. Please contact your internet provider and ask them about IPv6. Read more at ip-update.net.


What is required to get ISPs to provide IPv6?

Internet providers saying "there is no demand"?

What if sites start show warnings for missing IPv6 support?

With inspiration from browser-update.org, maybe something similar can be done to warn about lacking IPv6 support.

The banner/popup

Include the small <script async src="https://ip-update.net/ipupdate.js"></script> on your webpage and visitors without IPv6 will get a notification linking here. screenshot

Missing IPv6 support

You might have come here due to a connection test over IPv6 failing. This is an issue because some sites are IPv6 only and might not be reached over the legacy IPv4 internet.



The ip-update.net logo is based on the logo from worldipv6launch.org, used in accordance with CC 3.0 license
Inspiration from browser-update.org. Tests using myip.wtf IPv6-address json endpoint. Permission given for use by ip-update.